I was invited to join East Yonkers in 1989 at Tony Kaisers’ Past International President Dinner. I served as Program Chair and Bulletin editor until I broke the glass ceiling in 1992 and became the club’s first female President and served for two years. I designed the first iteration of the division website as well as my home club’s website, which won the NY District award in 2004. In 2019, as I was preparing to take over the presidency again,I redesigned both websites and became the NY District WordPress Trainer.
Over the course of my teaching career Istarted a K-Kids club at PS 239 in Queens and then a Key club at Riverside HS in Yonkers. So it comes as no surprise that my favorite Kiwanis activity is serving as Club Advisor. I still visits my Key Clubs on a regular basis.
My late husband DR. GERALD M. SHAW was invited to join the Riverdale Club in 1983, a few short months after we were married. Kiwanis therefore holds a very special place in my heart.
-Nancy K. Shaw, 2023-2024 Lieutenant Governor
What We Do
We help kids around the world and around the corner. Our clubs look out for our community and the Kiwanis international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as fighting disease and poverty. Our Kiwanis club is generous with its time. We are creative with our ideas. We are passionate about making a difference. And we have fun along the way!
Since 1915 Kiwanis has been creating opportunities for children to be curious, safe and healthy regardless of the community in which they live. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things can happen.
The term “Kiwanis” comes from a native term closely resembling, “we build.” Our division volunteers with communities in The Bronx and Westchester county. We acknowledge our service occurs on the ancestral lands of the Munsee Lenape, Wappinger, and Schaghticoke peoples. As we give back with our hands and hearts, let us honor the original stewards of these ancestral grounds, the living land that we collectively gather upon, and acknowledge the strength of all indigenous peoples.
The Kiwanis Mission & Vision
Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Kiwanis strives to be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive. Our Kiwanis club fulfills the Kiwanis mission by serving our community through Kiwanis Community Service Projects
Kiwanis Service
Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage approximately 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100 million every year for communities, families and projects. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
Our Kiwanis club focuses on changing the world by serving children, one child in our community at a time. To reach more people and have a greater service impact on their communities, many clubs sponsor a Kiwanis family club — K-Kids for primary school children; Builders Clubs for adolescents; Key Clubs for teens; Circle K clubs for university students and Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities.
Join Us
Are you ready to help create communities that let all children thrive, prosper and grow? It’s pretty easy to do! Check out the division calendar for a meeting near you, or email [email protected] for additional information.
The kids in your community and the world are counting on you!
About Us
I was invited to join East Yonkers in 1989 at Tony Kaisers’ Past International President Dinner. I served as Program Chair and Bulletin editor until I broke the glass ceiling in 1992 and became the club’s first female President and served for two years. I designed the first iteration of the division website as well as my home club’s website, which won the NY District award in 2004. In 2019, as I was preparing to take over the presidency again,I redesigned both websites and became the NY District WordPress Trainer.
Over the course of my teaching career Istarted a K-Kids club at PS 239 in Queens and then a Key club at Riverside HS in Yonkers. So it comes as no surprise that my favorite Kiwanis activity is serving as Club Advisor. I still visits my Key Clubs on a regular basis.
My late husband DR. GERALD M. SHAW was invited to join the Riverdale Club in 1983, a few short months after we were married. Kiwanis therefore holds a very special place in my heart.
-Nancy K. Shaw, 2023-2024 Lieutenant Governor
What We Do
We help kids around the world and around the corner. Our clubs look out for our community and the Kiwanis international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as fighting disease and poverty. Our Kiwanis club is generous with its time. We are creative with our ideas. We are passionate about making a difference. And we have fun along the way!
Since 1915 Kiwanis has been creating opportunities for children to be curious, safe and healthy regardless of the community in which they live. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things can happen.
The term “Kiwanis” comes from a native term closely resembling, “we build.” Our division volunteers with communities in The Bronx and Westchester county. We acknowledge our service occurs on the ancestral lands of the Munsee Lenape, Wappinger, and Schaghticoke peoples. As we give back with our hands and hearts, let us honor the original stewards of these ancestral grounds, the living land that we collectively gather upon, and acknowledge the strength of all indigenous peoples.
The Kiwanis Mission & Vision
Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Kiwanis strives to be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive. Our Kiwanis club fulfills the Kiwanis mission by serving our community through Kiwanis Community Service Projects
Kiwanis Service
Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage approximately 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100 million every year for communities, families and projects. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
Our Kiwanis club focuses on changing the world by serving children, one child in our community at a time. To reach more people and have a greater service impact on their communities, many clubs sponsor a Kiwanis family club — K-Kids for primary school children; Builders Clubs for adolescents; Key Clubs for teens; Circle K clubs for university students and Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities.
Join Us
Are you ready to help create communities that let all children thrive, prosper and grow? It’s pretty easy to do! Check out the division calendar for a meeting near you, or email [email protected] for additional information.
The kids in your community and the world are counting on you!
Upcoming Events
Past LTG Dinner
Radio Bingo
Happy Anniversary THROGGS NECK
Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation
Honoring Distinguished ast Governor Hogn Grisley and First Lady
For information contact:
International President Lee Kuan Yong will be there
Happy Anniversary RIVERDALE
Happy Anniversary Joseph Michael Wuest MORRIS PARK
Happy Anniversary EAST YONKERS
Happy Anniversary BRONX SHORE
Happy Anniversary Fordham University
NY District Convention
NY District Convention
NY District Convention
NY District Convention
Happy Anniversary MOUNT VERNON
KPTC Black & White Ball
Happy Anniversary YONKERS
Happy Anniversary HARTSDALE